Friday, January 7, 2011

The 'G' Philosophy

They say that inspiration strikes with something new (whoever 'they' are?!).

I beg to differ.

I think inspiration strikes with something old, really old. take this blog for example. Why did I start blogging? cuz I was bored. I just wanted to do something that I wouldn't hate after doing it, say, 'for a while'. I suddenly realized what a pleasurable feeling it is to write. To get your thought across on paper (or on my PC).I have even started writing a book. Now, I may not finish the book, and this blog ma never be read by any other person, but that's not the point. The point is, if somebody reads it, I am part of the online blogging community. If nobody does, then this blog is my personal dairy. I wont make promises of regular updates. I'll just blog, whenever and wherever....wait for it....INSPIRATION STRIKES ;)

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