Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fishy gift

This is what I hate most about pets! When they die, you kinda lose a part of your life. It's heart wrenching!

My birthday was last month. I hosted an impromptu dinner. That's where the trouble started. People couldn't think of gifts to get me on my Bday. While, mostly I got T-Shirts and Vases, one couple got me a goldfish. Within a week, I was very protective of it. I put it's meal before mine. Today morning it was lying at the bottom motionless. I dont even know for sure whether it's dead. Frankly, i dont have the courage to check. Am just expecting the worst and waiting to ask someone else to clear up the mess, i am too weak to do it.

To sum up, my fish died, am sad and I have to never have fish pets again. EVER!

It's okay to have dogs or cats. They are big and are capable of takin care of themselves. The smaller the pet, the higher the maintenance! If you dont feed your dog for 2 or more days, it'll manage to find some food on its own (and it can eat pretty much anything and still live). But do the same for a fish, and it's a heartbreak waiting to happen.

So, am just gonna play some chess in my mobile to dilute the pain...will write later ;)

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