What is it about a newspaper that no other news media has? you go to BBC.com or CNN.com and you are treated to the latest and the most important events happening in the world. But a newspaper on the other hand reports something that happened a day ago. What's worse, after a month, all you are left with is a pile of junk. A newspaper in dull, black ink on white paper. Yet, the subscriptions don't fall. It doesn't make sense to think that a person would spend his hard earned dollar to read outdated news?
I personally spend about 10 mins everyday with newspapers. Why do I do it? well, I have my reasons, but I would like to think that they are also the reason why newspapers still exist after all, they are part of yesterday (pun intended). A newspaper is (as the name says,) on paper. It's so much believable when it's on paper since it cannot be manipulated as easily as a website. And for me, newspaper is not about knowing what's happening in the world, it's about spending some 'me' time. Like, going to a spa. It's relaxing. I bet you haven't seen anybody sipping coffee, eating chips and reading news online!!
So, I think that the newspaper is a tool that we use to shut out all the chaos of our daily lives and escape into, say, a calm, unpopulated beach!! It's Relaxing!!